Month: November 2015

Absolutely Crazy

People, reading in the book of Matthew again is SO SO GOOD! In just these first 8 chapters alone, there is so much meat and so many truths and so much wisdom and so much JESUS. It’s really awesome… ya’ll should try it. 😉 But anyway, at the end of chapter 8, this little encounter with Jesus stood out to me this morning.



So an interesting thing happened recently. For my men’s group reading, we’re now back in the book of Matthew after completing the Old Testament. As I was chatting with a friend from my group via Email, I told him, “I’m excited to get into the New Testament again and study Jesus’ life even closer!” Okay, I know that doesn’t sound all that interesting. But it is and let me tell you why… I’ve honestly never been THIS excited to read the Bible before! (more…)

Words of Life

The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences (Proverbs 18:21). The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing (Proverbs 12:18).

In a recent small group (we call it “house church”) meeting, we did an ice breaker where we were asked to call out one of our own faults or weaknesses, and were also encouraged to give an uplifting word to someone else in the room if something came to mind. (more…)


Imagine going to a restaurant with your spouse, fiancé, or boyfriend/girlfriend. As they sit across from you, you order a delicious entree of your favorite food. You carefully select each part of the meal, making sure it has a mixture of all of the things you really like. Ready with fork and knife in hand, you sit in anticipation as your savory dinner is set before you. (more…)