Stay Focused

“You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.” (Isaiah 26:3)

It’s a unique time, and many of us (adults and children alike) have found ourselves working or studying from home during this COVID-19 pandemic. While we do so, each of us faces a similar adversary that hinders our productivity…


Kids get distracted by their toys, games, leisure books, and any small animal that crosses their line of sight through their window. Teens get distracted by their beds, TV shows, friends, and any small social media ping that crosses their line of sight through their cellphone. Adults get distracted by their housework, bills, news articles, and any small child that crosses their line of sight through their home office. Whatever distraction you face can pull your attention away from the thing you’re trying to focus on.

We face the same adversary of distraction in our relationship with the Lord. In Isaiah 26, the prophet is addressing the restoration of God’s people (Israel) in the land of Judah. Israel had faced numerous counts of judgment through war, destruction, and captivity due to their lack of trust in God. They were easily distracted by their own pride and arrogance, putting their focus and dependency on themselves and their idols, rather than on the Lord. Their lack of trust brought about an increase of turmoil, and from that we can learn a valuable lesson.

Don’t allow distractions to disrupt your relationship with Him. Don’t allow distractions to hinder your spiritual growth. Don’t allow distractions to prevent you from accomplishing the goals He’s set before you. Don’t allow distractions to obstruct your prayer life,  your devotion to His Word, or your commitment to serving the body of Christ. The lack of peace in your life can put a damper on every area of your spiritual walk.

Remain steadfast in the Lord! His peace in your life and your trust in Him are directly correlated (Prov. 3:5-8, Phil. 4:6-7, Psa. 37:5-6).

Stay focused and trust in Him!


  1. Thank you for this wonderful reminder, Sean…“His peace and your trust in Him are directly correlated.” I’ve been praying for our Lord to help me stay focused, shake off any doubts, give me His willpower to avoid distractions, and open my eyes to any idols that need to be removed. Thank you for sharing His Word which spoke volumes today!

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